MedeA Surface Tension - Ease the Tension in Surface/Interfacial Tension Calculations


The MedeA ®[1] Surface Tension module enables users to compute the surface and interfacial tension of a range of liquids, molten materials, and interfaces.

The underlying methodology computes the the difference between the average time of the stress components perpendicular and tangential to a liquid simulation slab.

Key Benefits

  • Provides automated setup, execution, and analysis of LAMMPS molecular dynamics simulations for surface and interfacial tension calculations
  • Handles model construction and assignment of forcefield atom types and charges in one unified environment so there is no need to use external tools
  • Performs analysis of surface/interfacial tension with graphs showing convergence for a given simulation

Computational Characteristics

  • MedeA Surface Tension module uses the LAMMPS classical molecular dynamics engine for efficient performance on computers from scalar workstations to massively parallel supercomputers.
  • Accuracy depends on the quality of the employed forcefield. Use any of the supported forcefields in MedeA, import forcefields from literature, or even develop your own with MedeA Forcefield Optimizer.
  • Works seamlessly with high-throughput techniques enabled by MedeA HT-Launchpad module to screen large number of design options of interfaces before committing to experiments.

Interfacial tension of water/isohexane, water/toluene, and water/dodecane interfaces from MedeA Surface Tension module using pcff+ forcefield compared to experimental values

‘The Medea Surface Tension module provides automated preparation, execution, and analysis of surface tension calculations - so you can focus on the science’

Required Modules

  • MedeA Environment
  • MedeA Forcefield
  • MedeA LAMMPS
  • MedeA JobServer and TaskServer
  • MedeA Surface Tension

Find Out More

Learn more about the MedeA Surface Tension module from our Materials Design Tutorials page or by contacting

  • Interfacial Tension of Water and Organic Solvent Interfaces
[1]MedeA and Materials Design are registered trademarks of Materials Design, Inc.